Directorio de portafolios

Carteras destacadas seleccionadas entre más de 250.000 usuarios.

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Joisiane Mota Machado

Redatora de saúde e bem-estar "Uma palavra posta fora do lugar estraga o pensamento mais bonito". Voltaire

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Mariana Rosetti Maia

Escrevo sobre violência de gênero, segurança pública, direitos humanos e cidades há mais de seis anos. Chega mais!

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Sofia Jayne

Sofia Jayne is a Melbourne-based journalist in her graduate year of a Bachelor of Communication with a Major in Journalism and a Minor in Politics at RMIT University. With a …

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Andy Reade

Freelance journalist, reporter, licensed drone pilot and videographer.

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Fabian Urech - Afrika-Korrespondent

Ich berichte für das Schweizer Radio SRF aus Afrika. Zudem schreibe ich regelmäßig für verschiedene deutschsprachige Medien über den Kontinent. ​ Zuvor war ich während sieben Jahren Afrika-Verantwortlicher der Neuen …

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Kristian Oka Prasetyadi

A multimedia journalist with six years of experience at an Indonesian national newspaper. Currently pursuing master's degree in International Journalism at the University of Melbourne.

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Cael Byrne

I am a journalist from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and I focus on local events and events with historical significance. I've always been interested in writing and researching in both my professional …

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Daniela Gaspari

Sou Jornalista, com mais de 15 anos de experiência. Mais recentemente, trabalhei com foco em elaboração de matérias e reportagens para sites, produtora de conteúdo para redes sociais e análise …

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Messias da Silva Azevedo Belém/PA

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Maryam Kolafa

An experienced content writer proficient in writing, translating between English and Arabic, text editing, and proofreading. Additionally skilled as a Support Associate and Customer Experience Analyst in the e-commerce industry, …

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Virginia Trugilho

Hello, I am Virginia Trugilho, CEO of Uzuke. Over the years, I specialized in creating personalized strategies for media outlets, governments, businesses, and individuals who want to effectively communicate with …

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Breanna Laws

I'm Breanna, a journalism student at Wake Forest University and Managing Editor of the Old Gold & Black.

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Samuel Cardwell

Digital and Social Journalism student at City, University of London

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Harry Whitfield

Hi my name is Harry Whitfield and I am a third year Sports Journalism student at The University of Central Lancashire. I have a keen interest in a variety of …

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Sam Burton

Presenter / Producer @ PolSocPodJournalism Student @ University of Sheffield Former Managing Editor for Interviews @ The Teen Magazine

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Lisa White

Lisa White is a writer, editor and marketing professional with more than 30 years of experience. She has worked for a number of corporations, business and consumer publications and associations …

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Keira Gilmore

I'm a student at the University of Central Florida studying Journalism on the Print Digital track and Environmental Science. Upon graduating this December 2024 I hope to one day work …

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Gareth Rees

Accredited Journalist and Radio Broadcaster

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Josué Santos

Jornalista formado pelo Centro Universitário IBMR. Tenho experiência em redação para veículos online e impresso, especialmente na cobertura de cultura, entretenimento e celebridades pelos jornais O DIA e Meia Hora, …

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Lucia Llano

Lucia Llano is a third-year multimedia journalism and creative writing student at the University of Texas at Austin. She is currently an environmental writer, copyeditor and podcast creator at Drift …

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production specialist and journalist looking for freelance work and writing assignments.

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Swagata Yadavar

I am an independent journalist reporting on health, gender and other developmental themes. I also work as researcher, editor and consultant.

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Ciara Barnett

Welcome to my portfolio!You can get to know me a little better by visiting my About Me section or click into the Articles tab if you'd like to get right …

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Betânia Bierhals

Olá! Meu nome é Betânia.Sou jornalista pela Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPel) e pós-graduada em Marketing, Criatividade e Inovação também pela UCPEL. Atualmente sou acadêmica do curso tecnólogo em Design …

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Sophia P. Marie

I'm a journalist and I love telling stories.

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Gennaro Costanzo

writer | interviewer | graphic designer

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David Brady

At various times I've been a writer, reporter, editor, ghostwriter, speechwriter, screenwriter, marketer, YouTuber, TikToker, podcaster, broadcaster, webcaster, webmaster, videographer, celebrity interviewer, poet and publicist. In 2022, I discovered that …

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PORTFÓLIO 🖋 Daniel Marinho

Jornalista | Estrategista de Conteúdo

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Oli Mansfield

ASSISTANT PRODUCER AT TIMES RADIO Words: The Times, Palatinate, City News Radio: Times Radio Social media: Jeremy Vine ShowPodcast: Under One Sky TV: City News, Pal Tv

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Jeff Hinkle

Content and communications professional with more than 10 years experience as an award-winning news reporter.

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Camille Tribout

Journaliste en presse écrite pour le magazine Agir à Lyon, spécialisée dans l'écologie, je souhaite mettre en lumière les initiatives de celles et ceux qui font bouger les lignes et …

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April Wilson

A seasoned communications professional and persuasive copywriter, possesses a passion for shaping impactful brand messages. With a background rooted in the hospitality industry, I have played a pivotal role in …

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Giu Bressani

Jornalismo de entretenimento e produção de eventos. Foco em produção de conteúdo de K-Pop

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Rachel Oliver - Strategic & Creative Copywriter

Specialising in lifestyle content, human-interest stories and developing brand voices.

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Clarissa Brooks

Clarissa Brooks is a freelance journalist, writer and cultural worker based in Atlanta, GA. She has over 10+ years of non-profit comms/narrative strategy experience and 5+newsroom editorial experience. Brooks has …

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Rachelle Chase

Rachelle Chase is a columnist and author of eight published books and novellas (two nonfiction, and six fiction). Her first middle grade fiction book will be released in 2024. She …

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Desirée Yépez

Desirée Yépez is an award-winning Ecuadorian journalist, fact-checker, and author. Her work has appeared in international media, such as El País, Radio Ambulante, Exile Content, HuffPost, Agencia Pública, and Univision. …

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Sofia Sutter

Journalist & Student at the University of Central Florida

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John Brynda - Wordsmith

Seasoned copywriting professional, experienced in web content, editorial, case studies, product description, direct marketing, and more.

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Joyce Shabani

Bienvenue sur mon portfolio. Tu trouveras tous mes récents travaux journalistiques, écrits et oraux.Brown est à jour, sur la page « blog » !

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