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This page showcases some of the best examples of journalist portfolio website examples. Get ideas and inspiration for your own portfolio.

mayson taylor
I'm an Undergraduate student at High Point University, studying English with minors in Strategic Communications and Creative Writing. This is just where I keep all of my work, so please …
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Do journalists need a portfolio?
A portfolio is a great way to showcase your skills and abilities to potential employers. It is a collection of your best work that demonstrates your writing style, reporting techniques, and knowledge of the subject matter. You can use this to show potential employers that you have the skills and experience necessary to be a successful journalist. It also helps you to stand out and gives you more control over your content and brand.
What should be included in a journalism portfolio?
A journalism portfolio should contain a variety of work samples that demonstrate a journalist’s writing and reporting skills. Examples could include published articles, opinion pieces, investigative stories, or multimedia content. The portfolio should also outline your experiences, such as the types of publications you have contributed to, a bio, your resume and any other relevant credentials.
What is a writing portfolio?
An online writing portfolio is a digital space where writers can showcase their writing skills and experiences by displaying samples of their work. This can include samples of published articles, blog posts, creative writing, professional copywriting, and more. An online writing portfolio can help writers to attract new clients, showcase their writing abilities, and prove their expertise.