Editor de vídeo Ejemplos de carteras
Explore this collection of videographer portfolio website examples from a range of professional videographers. Find inspiration for your own portfolio.

Adam Hausten
I Make Things.Dynamic, multifaceted and creative professional with over 17 years of experience in digital media production, web development, marketing and storytelling. Expertise in leveraging video, audio, marketing and web …
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O por tipo
TodoCreador de vídeosEditor de vídeoTraductorSocial Media ManagerReportado porCorrector de PruebasPoetaPodcasterFotógrafoMusicianModelPeriodistaInterior DesignerIlustradorPeluquería y maquillajeGraphic DesignerEscritor de artículosFashion StylistEditorDeveloperDiseñadorEscritor creativoRedactorCreador de contenidosEmisoraBloggerAutorArtistaArquitectoAnimatorPreguntas más frecuentes
How can I host my video on my portfolio?
The Journo Portfolio Pro plan allows you directly upload and host your videos on our platform. Alternatively, you can host your video on YouTube, Vimeo or another video platform and then embed them on to your portfolio site.
What should be in a video editor portfolio?
Your portfolio should include a selection of your best work. It should showcase clips that demonstrate your technical skills and creative style. Include a variety of videos such as advertisements, promos, tutorials, and animations. Make sure to include a link to the final version of each video that you have worked on, as well as a short description of your role in creating the video.
How can I make sure my portfolio stands out?
To make sure your portfolio stands out, focus on the quality of your work. Showcase your best pieces, and make sure to include projects that demonstrate your range and skill. Be creative with the presentation. Additionally, include a summary of your skills and experiences, as well as any client or employer testimonials.